Ubisoft hat heute das Update 1.2.1 zu Assassin’s Creed: Origins veröffentlicht – und somit ein rund 2,5GB schweres Paket voller Verbesserungen für das ohnehin schon sehr ordentliche Assassinen-Spektakel. Was sich alles getan hat, könnt Ihr dem folgenden Patchlog entnehmen:
- Following your feedback about the progression in the Horde mode, we decided to adjust the progression system. Players will now be able to progress further than wave 16.
- Improved Gamilat’s behaviour in the quest “The Setting Sun” when the playable character is being stealthy
- Fixed unreactive soldiers sometimes appear in the quest “Sic Semper Tyrannis”
- Fixed an issue with the “Good Things Come” papyrus losing its name after solving it
- Fixed Hidden Ones Bureau icons that could move on the World Map when marking them
- Fixed an issue preventing an objective marker to be displayed during the quest “When Night Falls”
- Fixed various issues where quest objectives would not properly update
- Fixed an issue causing Mered’s character model to change during the quest “The Hyena”
- Fixed an issue preventing the playable character to interact with Damastes during the quest “Egypt’s Medjay”
- Fixed an issue preventing the vault door from opening during the quest ‘’The Final Weighing’’
- Fixed an issue preventing the last cinematic of the second Present Day quest to trigger
- Fixed an issue preventing the playable character to interact with the Animus in the Present Day
- Scaled down the enemies level progression in Horde Mode, so players are able to progress post-wave 16
- Fixed an issue with Khensa’s health bar and level staying visible in the Arena lobby after beating her
- Improved various playable character animations
- Fixed the caravan animals not following the playable character after being tamed
- Fixed an issue preventing animals from being tamed when in deep water
- Fixed an issue with Predator attacks not granting XP when it was completed using animal taming
- Fixed an issue where the Unicamel could not be called by playable character
- Fixed an issue preventing berserked enemies from attacking tamed animals
- Fixed animals falling through world when using the Enhanced Predator Bow skill
- Fixed an issue with NPCs trying to mount a chariot being driven by the playable character
- Fixed an issue that allowed Herwennefer, the War Elephant, to regain health during combat
- Fixed an issue with NPCs that could appear to swim on land
- Fixed various stuck issues for the playable character and NPCs
User Interface
- Added missing ‘Drop Object/Body’ action to the ‘Heavy Attack’ button on the alternate control scheme
- Fixed an issue with the Quest Log that could appear in Photo Mode
- Fixed Ubisoft Club items not appearing as OWNED when returning to the Store after acquiring them
- Fixed an update issue in the Gear menu when using the Hide button
- Fixed the label overflow on the Hide button in the Gear menu in some languages
- Fixed various issues with flying boats
- Fixed various NPC spawning issues
- Fixed various spots where player could go through collisions
Graphics & Audio
- Fixed various visual issues occurring in HDR
- [PC] Added Save Results button on Benchmark Results page
- Improve overall stability of the game application
- [PC] Fixed an issue when the game remains in the background processes of Task Manager after closing it using Alt+F4